Nonsurgical Cellulite Reduction in Southlake, TX

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Usually developing on the buttocks, thighs, and upper arms, cellulite causes the skin on certain areas of your body to appear lumpy and dimpled. Even though cellulite doesn't lead to any physical issues, it can cause mental and emotional frustration. In fact, it can even prevent people from wearing certain clothes or swimsuits due to insecurity. Our team understands how hard it can be to eliminate cellulite, as well as how disheartening it can be to try and fail. Thankfully, Integrative Pain and Wellness Center performs advanced nonsurgical treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite, smooth the skin, and produce a tighter, slimmer look using the Accent Prime. If you're dealing with cellulite that prevents you from living life to the fullest, contact our office and schedule a private consultation with a member of our aesthetic team.

What Are The Benefits Of Cellulite Reduction?

Fast and easy nonsurgical cellulite reduction treatments at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center are an effective solution to reduce stubborn cellulite. Treatments using the Alma Accent Prime platform have a number of great benefits to tackle cellulite, including:

  • Reducing dimpling
  • Smoothing lumpy, bumpy, and uneven skin
  • Diminishing fat cell volume
  • Achieving a smoother, more youthful appearance
  • Providing precise, effective treatments
  • Protecting the surrounding tissue
  • Offering safety and efficacy for all skin types
  • Nonsurgical, noninvasive procedure
  • Treatments are comfortable and pain-free
  • No downtime

candidates for cellulite reduction

While cellulite develops in both men and women, it is 90% more common in women; still, this doesn't mean that men can't also experience self-esteem issues due to cellulite. If you want to smoothen the dimply skin on your glutes, thighs, stomach, or upper arms, this nonsurgical cellulite reduction could be the answer. This treatment is not to be confused with other weight loss solutions so we encourage you to be at or continue workings towards your ideal weight when you consider this service. Radiofrequency energy is a mechanical massage that increases metabolism of adipose tissue-reducing fat cell volume, stimulating lymphatic drainage, and visibly smoothing the texture of the skin. At your one-on-one consultation at our Southlake, TX office, we will listen to your concerns and goals to figure out if this procedure is right for you.

how is it performed?

Nonsurgical cellulite reduction takes place in one of our private treatment rooms at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center. As soon as your skin has been prepared and you're comfortable, we will move the Accent Prime handpiece over your skin several times to make sure that we have touched on every area. The delicate heat energy of our device works to promote the metabolism of adipose tissue, which helps make the skin smoother and tighter while reducing lumps and dimpling. The Accent Prime handpiece includes a cooling feature that helps ensure the procedure is very comfortable. A typical session can last about 30 – 60 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area.

What Can I Expect After A Cellulite Reduction Treatment?

Since cellulite reduction is noninvasive, you will be able to go back to your regular day as soon as it's over. While some people may notice results after just one session, typically, patients will see optimal outcomes with about 4 – 6 treatments. As the adipose tissue gets remodeled and collagen and elastin production stimulated with each treatment, patients typically see improving results over months. When your best outcome is achieved, the results can be very long-lasting; however, to maintain your results and prevent any cellulite from reforming, we encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Cellulite reduction FAQs

What is cellulite?

Cellulite gives our skin a dimpled appearance in areas like the hips, thighs, and abdomen. The cause is still unclear, but most people agree that genetics, skin laxity, and aging all contribute to cellulite. Cellulite can be found on people of all body shapes and backgrounds.

How can I recover faster from cellulite reduction?

With our nonsurgical cellulite reduction, patients can return to their normal routines almost right away. However, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercises or activities for the rest of the day. Our team can provide you with more detailed information in our office.

How much does cellulite treatment cost?

The cost of cellulite treatment depends on your unique treatment plan and the size of the treatment area. During your private consultation in Southlake, TX, we can review the estimated cost of treatment and forms of payment we accept.

Are cellulite treatments painful?

Treatments are usually not painful but may be uncomfortable if you dislike some pressure on your skin. However, we typically provide localized anesthesia to keep you comfortable during your procedure. Many of our patients at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center report a heating feeling during the treatment.

How many cellulite reduction sessions are needed for noticeable results?

The number of sessions required varies based on the severity of cellulite and the chosen treatment. Multiple sessions are often recommended, and results may become more apparent over time.

Is there downtime after cellulite reduction treatments?

Nonsurgical cellulite reduction treatments generally have minimal to no downtime. Patients can typically resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure.


Although common, cellulite is an annoying problem that men and women can both experience. Cellulite is hard to get rid of with diet and exercise alone and almost always requires cosmetic intervention to achieve the smooth, lump-free look you want. If you feel plagued by unwanted cellulite on your legs, thighs, arms, or abdomen, contact our team at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center in Southlake, TX where we utilize industry-standard technology to achieve your unique goals.

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